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Jyotishya & Dosha Pariharam Page(Astrology Consultation and Dharmik Solutions) |
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Process: Basic Data such as Place, Time and Date of Birth are obtained.After confirming the details with the candidate after verifying few details, the candidate shall submit your Questions among the 12 Bhavas. |
These are the Twelve aspects of life, deployed by a Pundit to analyse the impact of planetary transit. |
Graha Dosha indicates the adverse impact in the life of person, due to the current transitory positions and constellations of Graha applicable to 12 Rashis, as well as personal horoscope indicated impact during Maha Dasha and Antardasha.Astrogers suggest the Mantra Anushthana for each Graha along with its Adhi Devata and Pratyadhidevata (Presiding deities of each planet). |
Constellation of 9 Planets, will give out the broad contours of a personality through out the life span. Here, you need the expertise to harmoniously correlate the Yoga - Yoga Bhanga (Specialties - DrawBacks); and Dosha - Dosha Bhanga (Faultlines and Relief). |
Acts and Deeds of Parents, Ancestors is bound to impact the life of every persons. Many a time, the transgressions of a person, is respect with their parents and ancestors, particularly in the matters of last rites, annual ceremonies could also impact the life, resulting in unforeseen or recurring impediments. Astrologers suggest a way out to remove the fault lines, by the help of rituals. |
Killing or harming serpents, reptiles or other creatures by people or their ancestors would adversely impact the life. Obvious signs include lack of progeny, skin diseases such as eczema, herpes; frequent illness and mood swings. For this, Dharma Shastra sanctioned remedies are suggested. |
Deals with several unknown aspects of the Temple Site, Construction, Maintenance: whether pujas and festivals are being conducted strictly as per accepted norms,or whether there are any lapses in it, what developmental activities are likely to be pleasing to the deity. Specialty the 12 houses in Deva Prasna:1: Temple building, murti (likeness of the deity ), and divine presence of the deityin the murti.2: Wealth, income, temple treasures and guardians.3: The naivedya (offerings made) and servants.4: All buildings and land connected with the temple as well as temple vehicles.5: Murti and divine presence (again).6: Pollution of the temple, enemies and thieves.7: The people (congregation) and deity ornaments.8: Divine presence, offerings, servants, and good and evil matters.9: Nature of the temple authorities and the state of merit and piety.10: Daily ceremonies (puja), special festivals and devalakas-persons involved inmaking garlands, and performance of musical entertainment, etc.11: Piety, merit, prosperity and income.12: Nature of the priests, expenditure |
Deals with several unknown aspects of the Temple Site, Construction, Maintenance and Festivals. |
Ashtamangala Prasna is used to ascertain the unknown causes of adverse situations and to find out remedial actions in the life of individuals and also of families.The process begins by extending a formal invitation to an astrologer to perform an Ashtamangala Prasna. The astrologer then fixes a date for the Prasna based on the principles of electional astrology. The services of two astrologers are required for conducting the Prasna. On the day fixed for the Prasna, a priest would perform a puja of the zodiac. During that time the main astrologer would ask a girl or boy to keep the gold coin randomly in one of the twelve houses drawn on a wooden plank placed before the astrologer. Based on the house in which the coin was placed and on certain numbers computed during the process, the question-answer session begins. The full session may extend up to two days. After full diagnosis, remedial measures are finalized on the last day of Prasna. |
Astrology Experts: |
Pundits |
Qualified Scholars would give their opinion on the time and venue of the conduct of the Dosha Pariharam. |
Purohita Team |
Purohita Teams include Veda Scholars, Karma Kaanda Experts attached with various institutions and schools at Mysore, Hyderabad, Pithapuram, Chennai, Bengaluru, Pune, Varanasi etc. |
Intrigued about the happenings in life??Why do we want to know about the forecast, when we are sure that we can't prevent or avoid any mishap? Is it just curiosity? Anxiety? Or Confusion?? May be a cock-tail of all the feelings coupled with Fear of the unknown>>>This fear will bring down the morale. You can withstand any difficulty, as long as you are assured that the distress could end in a time-frame. That is the reason, why we would look up to the factors of divine/ celestial beings.When we run out of options, or approach a junction, unsure of the next course of action, many of us deem it prudent to approach this science of fore-telling by the aid of analysis of horoscope and current constellation/ transit of Planets. It is observed since ages, that the extra-terrestrial objects influence the (human) beings on this planet to some extent.Though it is damn-clear that we cannot prevent the down-pour, we look for a weather fore-cast to carry an umbrella or rain-coat for the protection of the body.Similarly, all of the astrologers may not be experienced and endowed with the capacity to accurately predict the happenings. But, we still approach them, as we will get an estimate of direction and distance if not the exact time and place.Compare this with this illustration:1) If we don't have a time-piece we do not know the exact time at the moment. But, it is comfortable to know that at least basic information about Sun-rise, Sun-Set, Fore-Noon or After Noon.2) Similarly, even we do not have the exact location by GPS Coordinates, we could prepare better if we have an idea of distance and direction, so that we could figure out, when we reach the locality.Enough said about the concept of Predictions and Analysis, it is our pleasant duty to introduce the Jyotisha Page of Dharma Poshanam Website.May this help you and your friends and those who need the information. It is our constant endeavour to update and add more content....Please remember that, our constant efforts, sincerity, pure intention and divine grace cannot be substituted by any forecast. But, the forecast helps us plan and execute our action better.Mangalam Mahat |
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